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Drawing curtains on winter and welcoming the summers is the Holi festival. Everyone awaits unabated for this special day, especially the young ones. This is the festival when the town not just paints itself red but in all the colours that you can get hold off.  

With the growing demand for colours, the industry has conveniently moved to chemically prepared recipes leading to harmful colours. While they are bright and come cheap, these colours cause skin and hair related complications. However, with increasing awareness, lot of organic holi colours have come up in the market. You can use such colours to reduce your chemical footprint and also keep your skin and hair safe.

You can control what you purchase and use, you cannot say the same about your neighbours. But will all this deter you from enjoying the festival? Come on, what harm will a little colour do? Exactly our point too. Let us prepare well and take the right steps to protect our skin and hair before and after the holi celebrations. Not to sound cliched, a stitch in time saves nine and the same goes here to make it a safe and skin friendly Holi.

Pre Holi Festival Preparation

Skin care

Try to take a bath in cold water if the weather permits before stepping out. This closes the pores on your body thus stopping a lot of the colour to seep in. You should then generously massage virgin coconut oil all over your body, this creates a hydrophobic layer preventing colour absorption.

A good sunscreen is recommended to protect skin from UV radiation. Eucalyptus oil combined with olive oil makes a natural moisturizing sunscreen.

It is very important that you make sure your skin is heavily moisturised and there are no cracks.  Do start off this process a few days ahead of the big festival. Applying shea butter or cocoa butter regularly keeps your skin hydrated.  

As you protect skin, do also show some love to your nails. Massage the ends and especially around the cuticle with few drops of tea tree oil.

Hair Care

On the day of Holi, wash your hair and rinse your scalp in cold water. The pores sizes will reduce and limit the chances of chemicals and colours getting absorbed into the scalp and hair roots. Do apply some mesmara Argan hair serum and a conditioner to make the hair less frizzy. The silicon layer that forms, as a result, minimizes the colour sticking to them.

Folks with long hair should be careful not to leave their hair loose. More surface area means more potential for damage. So neatly tie it up in a bun or alternatively use a bandana/a scarf to cover up before stepping out.

During Holi Festival Celebrations

While playing, stay in shade as much as possible. Sunlight makes the colours set in faster and coupled with the tan, it is difficult to remove. Resist the use of stubborn colours to minimize post-event issues.

Post Holi Festival Celebrations Cleanup

Even before you think about taking a wash, you need to dust off all the dry colour from your hair and body. Use a dry gentle cloth and a hairbrush to remove them.

Use oil-soaked cotton balls to ease out the stubborn colours. Had you applied oil before you stepped out, you will be surprised how easier it gets to remove. Use of oil has the additional benefit, it soothes your skin and nourishes during the cleaning process.

We suggest that you choose organic cleansers to wash off the colours. They are gentle to your skin and are packed with goodness. They will alleviate the already damaged skin.

Once you are done with superficial cleansing, use face packs. Mesmara’s range is very effective and can help in deep pore cleansing. They exfoliate and cleanse and in addition restore the hydration the skin needs. At the end, indulge your body in deep moisturising sessions for a few successive days.

To protect hair, a good shampoo is the only answer. Try to minimize damage by using an organic or mild shampoo. If you’ve got a lot of colour on your hair and scalp, they may not come off all at once. In such difficult situations, you should wash and let your hair dry. Apply oil and massage it well. Leave it for a few hours before you head back into the shower for another hair wash. This repetitive process will be beneficial to your hair and scalp. The dryness will be lesser from repeated washes and the oil will help in dissolving and releasing the colours from the pores.

In contrast to the cold-water bath before you stepped out, post-Holi, the bath needs to be in hot water. This will open-up the pores and make the process easier.

Hope the festival of colours paint the canvas of your life with joy, love, happiness, prosperity, good health and success. Mesmara wishes all its readers a colourful and happy Holi.