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Healthy Office Snacks

Those of us who are in office jobs, know the importance of healthy snacks. What do you do when the 3 P.M. hunger pang strikes you hard? Packaged food is always an option that you can pick up from your office pantry, but if you’re health-conscious you must be looking for some healthy options that can provide you enough fuel to go through the grind. Generally speaking, if you are snacking in between meals, choose your snacks wisely that is satisfying, filling, and healthy. It should provide you enough energy to sustain till your next meal. Having said that, food that is high in protein, fiber, and fat can help you stay energized without giving up in the afternoon slump. There are many such snacking options that are easy to carry to the office too. Here are our two all-time favorite recipes that you’ll like.

Strawberry Smoothie

A glass of strawberry smoothie is not only refreshing but power-packed with nutrition too. If you’re craving for something sweet and healthy, go for a smoothie.


  • Fresh and hulled strawberries: 7-8
  • Skim milk: ½ cup
  • Plain yogurt: ½ cup
  • Vanilla essence: 2-3 drops
  • Powdered sugar: 1 cup
  • Crushed ice: 1 cup


Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until the mixture turns smooth. That’s all! Your strawberry smoothie is ready! Adjust the sugar if your strawberries are too sweet or sour.

Veggies + Dip

There is nothing more satiating and healthier than having crunchy fresh vegetables with a dip! We have a quick dip recipe for you that you can make any time at home and save it for up to 5-6 days in the refrigerator in an airtight box. Pack a box of fresh veggies with a dollop of this dip to curb your midday hunger pangs. 


  • Mayo: 1 cup
  • Sour cream: 1 cup
  • Dried parsley: 1 teaspoon
  • Dried and minced onion: 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic powder: 1 teaspoon
  • Dried dill weed: 1 pinch
  • Mesmara extra virgin olive oil: 1 teaspoon
  • Salt: 1 pinch


Mix all the ingredients until they combine well. Let it chill in the refrigerator for some time before serving. You can serve this dip with fresh and crunchy carrots, baby tomatoes, fresh broccoli, and baby corn.

Bonus recipe! We love extras! So, here is one more recipe for you. We know you’ll love it.

Homemade Granola Bar

There’s nothing like homemade granola bar when it comes to healthy snacking. Use the recipe as is, or go creative.


  • Dates: 1 cup
  • Honey: ¼ cup
  • Peanut butter: ¼ cup (You can also use almond butter)
  • Roasted almonds: ¼ cup
  • Rolled oats: 1-1/2 cup
  • Crushed dry fruits, choco chips, vanilla chips: Optional


Crush the dates into small pieces and keep aside. In a large mixing bowl, add the oats, dates, almonds and mix well. Now warm honey and peanut butter together in a saucepan over heat and pour gently over the oat mix. Mix well. Now take a tray and place a baking sheet. Pour the mix on it and flatten it uniformly by pressing down with the back of the spoon. Refrigerate it until the granola is set. Take it out and cut it into pieces. Store in an airtight container. 

In the days when you’re in too much of a hurry to pack a snack for the office, throw in a few granola bars, nuts or dry fruits in your bag.