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Yearly Archives: 2018

5 Benefits of Hair Serums

Hair serum is a new-gen hair care product. It was initially launched to manage the frizz and help keep the hair untangled. The Indian consumer scene has a substantial number of players now. When you pay attention to the back labels, most of the products contain silicone-based ingredients. The rest of the ingredients are usually […]

10 Proven Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar-ACV

What is Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a juice extracted from fermented apples. Acetic acid is produced in the fermentation process and the resulting liquid is called vinegar. A beneficial bacterial culture called ‘the mother’ is added during the fermentation process. ‘The mother’ contains enzymes, gut-friendly bacteria and proteins, which help in […]

10 Ideas for Natural Living

These days, any TV channel we switch on to, or any newspaper we read, we find news blaring from all the sides regarding overuse of plastics, and how our earth will be entirely covered with plastic pretty soon if we don’t mend our ways. So what’s this noise all about. Around 2 million single-use plastic […]

Facts About Keto Diet

Dieting is the act of restricting oneself to small amounts of food or special kinds of food in order to lose weight or to prevent/treat diseases such as diabetes. There are some diets which are characterised by highly restrictive food choices. Over the decades, several fad diets, such as the Atkins diet and the South […]

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