7 Tips for Skin Care During Monsoons

August 21, 2018

Monsoon showers bring a lot of joy as they give us a break from the summer heat. All living beings, including humans, animals and plants feel relieved after bearing the torturous heat for two to three months. Taking all the energy from the sun during summer, the soil is ready to transfer the energy to the plants, once the rain showers touch the ground. Whole earth which looked barren few days back, now looks resplendent in greenery. Monsoons also brings back a rush of nostalgia, when we remember our childhood days, of paper boats and mud puddles. A rainy day spent with a book and cup of hot steaming chai, is a dream sequence for many. However, monsoons can also bring along with them many skin problems. Humidity in the atmosphere causes you to sweat a lot. Which in turn causes clogging of pores and rashes. The change in the season, also brings in viral and bacterial infections, some of which may cause breakouts on the skin.

Here we bring 7 tips for you, to help you protect and nurture your skin during the monsoon season.

Tip #1:

Follow your morning and evening skin care routine religiously. It is extremely important to cleanse your skin and equally important to keep it hydrated. Even though it might look cloudy, you should not skip applying sunscreen as the harmful UV rays still penetrate into your body. Exfoliating the skin can help you remove the dead cells and clean up the clogged pores.

Tip #2:

Keep yourself hydrated. As the weather cools down, the constant thirst that you experience in summer also lessens. However, it is highly important to keep yourself hydrated, as your body loses a lot moisture in the form of sweat during the humid monsoon days. 8 – 10 glasses of water a day is a must.

Tip #3:

Use wholesome oils such as Sesame Oil and Coconut Oil, to cook your meals. These oils contain good fat, which helps in repairing damaged skin and also helps your skin in retaining moisture.

Tip #4:

When you visit a beauty parlour, check about the hygiene of the appliances and tools used them. During monsoon seasons, it is easy to pass infections, hence all the tools used should be sterilised. Ensure that the pedicure and manicure kits are thoroughly sterilised before the procedure is started.

Tip #5:

Speaking of infections, changing climate can be a cause to many viral and bacterial infections. Some of the infections can cause breakouts on the skin. Eye infections like conjunctivitis are also common during this season. Wash your hands frequently and maintain healthy diet. Avoid eating out as much as possible.

Tip #6:

Use homemade face packs from kitchen ingredients for regular cleanups. The more natural the ingredients are, the lesser will be the chance of any reaction with your skin. Checkout Mesmara Blog posts for various DIY face packs and more skincare tips.

Tip #7: 

Use waterproof makeup during monsoon. It will hold in place, even if you get wet in the rain. Also, go light on your makeup during this season, as you tend to sweat a lot. Heavy makeup can turn cakey during monsoons.

Keep yourself safe, happy and healthy during monsoons, using the above tips. Happy Monsoons!



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