The different types of bentonite are each named after the respective dominant element, such as potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and aluminum (Al). Experts debate a number of nomenclatorial problems with the classification of bentonite clays. Bentonite usually forms from weathering of volcanic ash, most often in the presence of water. However, the term bentonite, as well as a similar clay called ton-stein, has been used to describe clay beds of uncertain origin. For industrial purposes, two main classes of bentonite exist: sodium and calcium bentonite. In stratigraphy and tephrochronology, completely devitrified (weathered volcanic glass) ash-fall beds are commonly referred to as K-bentonites when the dominant clay species is illite. In addition to montmorillonite and illite another common clay species that is sometimes dominant is kaolinite. Kaolinite-dominated clays are commonly referred to as ton steins and are typically associated with coal.
Bentonite clay stems back far in history as a traditional healing method for protecting the body from disease. It has been reported that several traditional cultures living in regions of the Andes, Central Africa and Australia have consumed clays in numerous ways for centuries. Because the clay is readily available and required no modern processing, it has been a popular and cost-effective way of “detoxing” the body for quite some time.
Draws out toxins – As mentioned earlier, a Bentonite Clay mask will help draw out toxins through the skin. The electrical charge produced by wet Bentonite clay is made up of negative ions that attract the positive ions in toxins and heavy metals, binding these toxins to it. Some to the toxins a Bentonite clay mask can draw out include plutonium and radioactive uranium and the heavy metals include lead and mercury. Toxins may cause premature aging.
Opens up clogged skin pores – Skin sometimes gets clogged by sebum, the oil that is naturally produced by the skin to keep it moisturized or prevent it from being too dry. Excess sebum production is the major cause of acne. When excess sebum is produced, it gets trapped in the pores of the skin creating a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive. The bacteria causes inflammation which results in pimples and blackheads. A Bentonite clay mask will draw excess sebum from the skin.
Tones and tightens the skin – Bentonite has astringent properties so it has the ability to shrink body tissues. This is particularly useful in dealing with enlarged pores. Enlarged pores are caused by the accumulation of oil and dirt in the skin, age (due to loss of skin elasticity) and sun damage. The skin mask will reduce the appearance of enlarged pores making skin seem younger.
Reduces blemishes – There are different types of skin blemishes which include skin discoloration, blackheads, uneven skin tone and age spots. Bentonite clay’s astringent and skin unclogging properties are the reasons why this clay mask can reduce blemishes.
Exfoliates the skin – Exfoliating skin helps it long young and more vibrant. This is because exfoliation removes dead skin cells which may cause pores to get clogged. Clogged pores may cause acne and skin blemishes. Skin exfoliation also reveals healthier looking skin as it encourages the renewal of skin cells.
Make a Bentonite Clay Mask
- Taking 2 teaspoons of Bentonite clay and adding some water.
- Mix the two ingredients together until the paste that is formed can easily be spread on your face.
- You can then apply the paste to your face and leave it on for about half an hour then wash it off with cool water.
- Pat skin dry and apply a moisturizer.
Skin Glow
Bentonite clay conditions and nourishes one’s skin by removing the dead cells and also extracting the extra oils and impurities from the surface of the skin. For a “glow” you should apply the clay mask regularly.
- Be sure to clean your face with water first and then apply the mixture of clay and water and a few drops of tea tree essential oil to the face. Keep the mask for five minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. The aftermath of this is an instant glow on the face. Many use the mask just a few times a week or once a week and have great results.
Cleansing Hair: This clay or mud is highly absorbent and will help clarify your hair without making it feel dry or stripped of moisture. If you have curly hair that is typically dry, this should be a great pick for making your hair soft and supple.
Anti-dandruff: Bentonite clay can effectively soak up the extra sebum from scalp, which is a primary source for dandruff-causing fungus. While it soaks up sebum, it also scrapes off dead skin cells called as dandruff. Using bentonite clay as shampoo or hair mask can keep your scalp dandruff free for longer.
Clarifying Hair: Clay is in its ability to clarify hair by attracting and binding impurities and dirt in hair, leaving your mane looking pure and naturally silky.
Moisturizing and Conditioning Hair with Bentonite Mud: You tired of that dry feel that makes your hair tangled and frizzy Well, sometimes hair breakage comes from dryness and poor conditioning. One big solution to this is to use bentonite clay as a moisturizer and conditioner.
Bentonite Minerals for Hair: Nourishing hair is no easy task since there is a long list of minerals and vitamins that are good for hair growth, healthy hair and even long hair. But what can you gain by using this clay Well, important of the bentonite clay benefits for hair is the mineral elements such as calcium, potassium and sodium that are found in the clay.
Bentonite Clay Hair Mask – Overnight Treatment
- Most of the bentonite clay benefits for hair can be found in a well done recipe of bentonite clay hair mask. If your hair is suffering from the damage of itchy scalp and breakage, a natural clay hair mask can help restore its health.
- Bentonite clay hair masks treatment are mostly used to cure or get rid of eczema, or dandruff from the scalp. This is bentonite mud hair treatment that you can do at home my mixing a few ingredients in your recipe to enjoy the benefits, some of which can be achieved with an overnight bentonite mud hair mask treatment.
- When using the hair mask, you should allow the mixture to sit on your hair for about 15 to 20 minutes. Most people cover the hair being treated with a plastic cap to help condition the hair and prevent it from drying.
- Bentonite clay hair mask overnight treatment is highly recommended for those men and women who use too much of hair styling products and butters that are heavy.
- Most results and reviews of bentonite clay for hair have shown that proper use can prevent the formation of dandruff. For people who have had dandruff and a lot of buildup in the hair, the clay is recommended for removing dandruff and the buildup.
- A plastic or glass bowl
- A plastic ,wooden, or rubber stirring utensil
- ½ cup of bentonite clay
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon of castor oil
- 1 tablespoon of sweet almond
- 6 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
- 3 tablespoons of water
Bentonite Clay and Honey: For this honey recipe, mix the mud with a little honey and apple cider vinegar. Ensure you make a consistency like that of yogurt to make it easy to apply. If you have dry hair, add a teaspoon of almond oil to help moisturize it.
Bentonite Mud + Egg Yolk Hair Treatment Recipe: Egg yolk is one of the best ingredients for hair masks. Mix about 5 tablespoons of this natural clay with water. Add a single egg yolk and mix to a fine consistency. This is a great recipe for treating dry oily hair.
Apply the mask to clean, damp or wet hair from the root to the end. To ensure even coverage, work in small sections. If your hair begins to dry while applying the mask, keep a spray bottle nearby to keep the hair damp, but not dripping wet. After you have completely coated your hair with the mask, cover it with a plastic cap or plastic bag for 20-30 minutes. Alternatively, you can use a hooded dryer or steamer for extra penetration, or just let the heat from your head do all the work.
When working on your recipe, avoid using metal equipment and bowls because they will destroy the properties of the bentonite clay that are beneficial to your hair.
Bentonite clay stems back far in history as a traditional healing method for protecting the body from disease. It has been reported that several traditional cultures living in regions of the Andes, Central Africa and Australia have consumed clays in numerous ways for centuries.
Bentonite Clay For Skin:
- Draws out toxins
- Opens up clogged skin pores
- Tones and tightens the skin
- Reduces blemishes
- Exfoliates the skin
Bentonite Clay For Hair:
- Cleansing Hair:
- Anti-dandruff:
- Clarifying Hair:
- Moisturizing and Conditioning Hair with Bentonite Mud:
- Bentonite Minerals for Hair