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No one is alien to acne and pimples. They are the painful bumps that can appear on your face, chest, back and around the jawline and neck area.  They start with the onset of puberty and are expected to subside on their own in a few years.  However, for few, they may last for many years and might need some amount of medical intervention to control it. The redness and inflammation in the skin where they appear are common. In some cases, they also lead to whiteheads, blackheads and pus in the pimples.

While it’s just skin condition, it may leave you with scars and spots. Here is a list of remedies that can help you get rid of acne scars for good. Read on…

#1 Aloe Vera

Everyone knows how magical the aloe vera is to skin. Freshly extracted gel is an extremely potent source of vitamins. It helps to heal skin and reduce the intensity of the scars. Since it is gentle to the skin, it also soothes the skin and reduces the pain from the irritation.

Aloe vera plant is extremely easy to grow at home. To use your home-grown gel, cut a small piece of the leaf.  Easiest is to peel off the outer layer and this exposes the gel. In case you do not have a plant at home, you can certainly purchase organic and packaged Aloe vera gel or Mesmara aloe vera powder. These are equally effective substitutes to home-grown stuff. Gently massage the gel on your acne and pimple scars. Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off with water. You can mix aloe vera powder with a bit of water and apply similarly.

#2 Baking Soda

It’s a remarkable salt that is found both naturally (as nahcolite) and is manufactured as well. It has found its way into our households and has many uses. One of the interesting uses is for skin care, where it helps in reducing scars. It gently exfoliates the skin when used as a cleansing scrub. The cleansing scrub is rather easy to make; all you need is to prepare a thick paste of baking soda by mixing it with water. Gently massage the paste on to the areas where you are left with scars.  Don’t leave this for a long time, just a couple of minutes should be fine. Wash with lukewarm water and subsequently apply a good natural moisturizer such as Mesmara Shea butter.

A note of caution: Baking soda may cause skin irritation for some. In such cases wash off the affected area and apply a gentle moisturizer to soothe the irritation. Avoid applying baking soda and products containing it, directly onto your face.

#3 Vitamin E oil

This is an important vitamin for skin health. It is easily available in capsules and can be procured over the counter from pharmacies.  You need to take out the oil from the capsules and directly massage on the scars. You can alternatively mix it up with your regular moisturizers or with Mesmara Extra Virgin Olive Oil and apply on your scars.

#4 Neem leaves for treating acne spots and scars

Our Indian ayurvedic system has a lot of faith on Neem leaves.  Neem leaves have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Consumption itself of 4-5 Neem leaves on an empty stomach can reduce the possibility of acne occurrence. You can also prepare Neem water and use it to wash your face regularly. Neem water can be prepared by boiling about two dozen neem leaves in about a litre of water, till it reduces to half. Filter and store this water. Use this water to regularly wash your face and most of the bacterial and fungal skin infections that accompany acne and pimples will be washed away. A neem face wash or Mesmara Neem Oil can also help you by reducing any scars or blemishes that are present on the face.

#5 Lemon juice

Lemon is acidic in nature and this helps in working through the oiliness of the skin. It is a natural bleaching agent and is hence useful for reducing the marks and lightening blemishes. It can, however, cause dryness with overuse so do not use it directly. It is advisable to dilute it with water before applying on your face.

Lemon juice can also be mixed with a variety of natural ingredients to make different face packs and face washes. Some mix it with honey, while some mix it with turmeric and banana to lighten the skin tone. When you apply it specifically at the darkened areas or scar marks, they start merging with the surrounding skin tone.  Although the process takes time, but it really works well.

#6 Cucumber

Cucumber treatment is by far the easiest home remedy to soothe acne inflammation. Cut a fresh slice of cucumber and place on the acne affected area for 15-20 minutes. You can also rub the cucumber piece on your skin before it washing off. Regular use of cucumber cools the skin, fades the uneven tone of the skin and makes it look fresh and uniform.

#7 Essential oils

Essential oils like Hibiscus, Lavender and Tea tree oil, can be applied not only on the face but also on your back and legs. Their natural acids contain antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidants properties which help in quick healing of the pimples and control further breakouts.

#8 Apple Cider Vinegar

The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar helps in eliminating skin impurities. Its antimicrobial properties keep acne breakouts at bay. You need to be careful in using apple cider vinegar as its very strong. Like lemon juice, it needs to be diluted with water before application.

#9 Orange Peel Powder

Since orange peel is a great skin lightening product, it works very well to reduce the acne scars and pimple marks. Just mix some Mesmara Orange Peel Powder with water to create a paste. Add a teaspoon of honey and gently massage it on the scars. Leave the application for 10 minutes before washing off with water.

#10 Papaya Paste

Papaya has a natural, acne fighting, protein-dissolving, enzyme called papain. A 20-minute application of freshly prepared papaya paste helps in cleansing the skin.  You can also mix it with lemon juice or honey to deep cleanse or hydrate the skin.