Do you suffer from dull hair? Is your hair frizzy? Do you envy that girl with healthy locks of hair?
It’s time to stop hating your hair. This guide will give you the best tips for healthy, shiny and voluminous hair. Now you’ll be the one others envy!
Tip: you can get all these products from Mesmara at affordable prices and in the best quality.
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Rosemary oil
Pour 1-2 drops of Rosemary oil to a pea sized quantity of carrier oil in the palm of your hand. Rub it into your scalp gently. Do it regularly. You may do it every other day, weekly or however you like. The more you do it, the quicker the results will be, of course. Rosemary oil will encourage rapid hair growth and you’ll notice a visible difference in your hair volume in no time. This oil will control hair loss and also help with dandruff. A healthier scalp will automatically lead to healthier hair.
Castor oil
Castor oil is very well known for boosting hair growth. Not only does it work wonders on your scalp, it also encourages growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. For head hair, apply the oil onto your scalp and also rub it on the ends. The moisture will prevent frizz and add shine to your hair. Not only will your hair grow faster, it’ll also grow thicker!
Tea tree oil
The anti-oxidants and nutrients in the Tea tree oil help fight dandruff. It hydrates the scalp skin which leads to shinier hair. You can either apply the Tea tree oil mixed with carrier oil directly on your hair and rinse it off with shampoo or you can also mix few drops of the Tea tree oil with your shampoo. Other than that, you can add a few drops of Tea tree oil in a spray bottle of water and spritz tiny amounts every now and then. If your hair is very dry, use it as a post-shower serum. Rub a small amount in your palms and apply it on the ends of the hair.
Argan oil
Argan oil is a common ingredient in many shampoos that promise shiny hair. It has moisturising properties that provide the hair with a healthy sheen without making them look greasy. The argan oil can be used on its own. You may use it as a leave in conditioner for tangle free, smooth hair. Or use it to tame your baby hair. The uses of argan oil are endless but the final result is definitely amazing.
Hibiscus oil
Hair fall, dandruff, thin hair and frizz are all things you can say goodbye to if you start using hibiscus oil thrice a week. Mix few drops of hibiscus oil to carrier oil poured in palm, Rub it directly onto your scalp. Cover all your hair roots generously. Rinse it off after 30 minutes in each session. You’ll see the magic yourself. If you had any scalp irritation, it would be gone too.
Neem oil
With its inflammatory and healing properties, neem oil can make you scalp become very healthy. Just a couple of uses will bring a noticeable difference in your split ends. Over time you’ll notice healthier looking hair as well as rapid growth.