Uses Of Bath Salts For Skin, Hair And More

July 28, 2019

Whether you agree with it or not, it is true that bathing habits say a lot about your personality. That said, a good, refreshing bath not only soothes the body but also the mind – remember “Eureka!!” A good bath at the end of a long work day can be the ultimate luxury. Indians have traditionally believed in taking bath as a ritual and having three wholesome baths every day. A daily bath can be made more welcome and exhilarating by adding bath salts. They are essentially minerals and can mimic the benefits of natural hot springs or mineral baths. Some fragrances and emollients are added to the bath salts to give a more enjoyable experience. There are many uses of bath salts. They can be used in the shower or as a conditioner. 

Various Uses of Bath Salts

Lets take a look at what are bath salts consisted of and the various uses of bath salts.

Which minerals are present in bath salts?

In addition to liquid glycerine, the most common salt present is Epsom salt. Bath salts also contain sodium chloride, sodium sesquicarbonate, borax, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium citrate. Some brands might contain foaming agents and oils. 

What is Epsom salt?

Epsom salt is the hydrated form of magnesium sulfate, the formula being MgSO4.7H2O. It is majorly used in agriculture to improve crops. Epsom salt gets its name from a saline spring in Epsom, England. As it can be used both internally and externally, Epsom salt has a place in the WHO’s model list of essential medicines

Epsom salt bath benefits

There are several benefits of using Epsom salt including:

In bath:

  • Eases simple pains and aches.
  • Relaxes muscles.
  • Relieves insomnia.
  • Relaxes tired feet.
  • Home treatment for ingrown toenails.
  • Relief from fibromyalgia pains.
  • Treats small boils and infections.
  • Removes splinters.

Bath salt skin benefits:

  • Magnesium promotes growth of new skin cells.
  • Improves skin tone.
  • Improves skin texture.
  • Flushes out toxins from the skin.
  • Acts as a scrub to cleanse the skin.

Medical uses:

  • Oral replacement therapy for magnesium deficiency.
  • Antiarrhythmic agent.
  • As a bronchodilator in severe asthma.
  • Prevent and treat eclampsia.

In food and agriculture:

  • Used during beer making and tofu making processes.
  • Increase the magnesium content in soil for growing potatoes, peppers, carrots, tomatoes, and roses.
  • Used in aquaria where stony corals are present to control alkalinity and calcium concentration.

Given the immense benefits of Epsom salt, it would be nice to know a few DIYs to use it ourselves, right!

Epsom salt detox bath:

This is really simple. Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a bathtub filled with warm water while the tub is filling in, so that you get a soapy consistency. Soak in the tub for at least 15 minutes to relax and soothe your muscles after a workout. You can prepare an aroma diffuser with lavender essential oil or peppermint essential oil to relax during the bath.

  • This bath helps the body absorb the vital mineral magnesium through the skin. 
  • It helps keep the smooth soft and supple. 
  • Taking a bath longer than 15 minutes (up to 45 minutes) will help relax the nerves and de-stress. 
  • Softens the toe nails and reduces the pain related to ingrown toenails.
  • Reduces muscle cramps and relieves muscle aches and soreness.

Epsom salt exfoliating body scrub:

Make a paste of 1 tbsp Epsom salt with 1 tsp almond oil or coconut oil. Scrub your body with the paste and rinse under a shower. The end result is smooth, supple skin.

Epsom salt bath bucket:

Don’t worry if you do not have the luxury of a bathing tub. Simply add 2 tbsp of Epsom salt into warm bathing water in a bucket. Give it a good mix until the water gets a bit soapy. Add in a few drops of lavender essential oil. Have a good bath!

Epsom salt foot scrub:

What you would need for this is a tub or basin for dipping your feet, 2 tbsp of Epsom salt, and 5 drops of tea tree essential oil. Add the Epsom salt and the essential oil to the tub. Soak your feet for 15 minutes.

This scrub is very effective for healing cracked heels and is effective against toenail fungus.

Epsom salt conditioner:

For this you would need 1 tbsp of Epsom salt, 2 tsp of almond oil, 2 drops of cedarwood essential oil. Mix all the ingredients in a clean bowl. Apply the paste all over the scalp and the length of the hair. It acts as a natural conditioner and boosts hair growth. Cedarwood oil has antibacterial properties and prevents and decreases dandruff. It also reduces hair loss.

A word of caution: Though Epsom salt baths generally do not cause any harm, discontinue the use immediately if you develop a body rash. If you notice any signs of irregular heartbeat, dizziness, or muscle weakness, you should seek medical attention. It should also be noted that side effects occur mostly with internal use, but rarely with external use.

Mesmara is committed to wholesome living and has essential oils, carrier oils, cooking oils, bath salts, and raw butters on its shopping list. So go ahead and treat yourself to the wonderful products!


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