Skin Care Routine for Summers
Sun has started to shine, the sky is getting clearer, the cool breeze is blowing, everything seems to get greener, in a nutshell, it is a perfect season for an outing. However, this time of the season comes with a cost. The blazing sun and scorching heat can damage your skin. The increased rate of heat combined with humidity can make oily skin appear oilier and dry skin appears rough and patchy. The high temperature in the atmosphere can get your skin to produce more melanin, the pigment in your skin that causes tanning. Hence, along with your seasonal wardrobe change, you also need to upgrade your skin care routine for summers.
1. Change Your Face Wash
You should remember that your face wash has to change along with the season. The thick and foamy face wash would do the trick in winters, but for summer, you require a face wash that draws out the excess oil from the skin. For those who have dry skin, your face wash requires a non-foaming cleanser. Moreover, wash your face plenty of times during the day to keep your skin clean and refreshed.
2. Hydrate Your Skin
Undoubtedly, the consumption of cooling foods like watermelon and coconut water hydrates your skin and treats the breakouts. However, you also need to use good hydrating masks a couple of times a week. A good hydrating mask can treat skin conditions such as dryness, acne, oiliness, etc.
3. Exfoliate Your Skin
Dermatologists often suggest ‘not to over-exfoliate,’ but, summertime is all about exfoliation. It cleanses the clogged pores which are open and filled with dirt due to the heat and humidity of summer. It also makes your skin brighter and smoother. You need to use exfoliators that have glycolic acid which helps to slough away dead skin cells and de-tan your skin. Mesmara Tan Removal Face Scrub is one such product. Remember, exfoliation is for the whole body and not just the face.
4. Cut Down on Makeup
Your skin needs to breathe and summer humidity makes it quite difficult, hence, use minimal makeup. You can use tinted toner, lip balm and organic kajal or you can also use non- comedogenic products which means products without pore-clogging ingredients.
5. Go for Natural Remedies
A few of the best natural remedies to care for your skin are right in your kitchen. Lemon and tomato are very good for keeping your skin fresh. A quick way to use tomatoes is to make tomato juice without adding water and freeze the juice using ice trays. Gently scrub the juice every alternate day and wash it after juice gets dry on the skin. Additionally, you can also mix Mesmara Herbal Lemon Peel powder with raw milk. Then smear the mixture all over your face.
6. Take Special Care of Eyes and Lips
Eyes and lips are the most sensitive parts of the face and sun rays from 12 pm to 4 pm can be very harsh on them during summers. Therefore, protect your eyes with sunglasses and lips with lip balm while you step out. You can also dip a couple of cotton pads in potato juice to relax and soothe your eyes.
7. Wear Sunscreen
Sunscreen is your daytime armour during summers. Never step out without one. Choose one that has a broad ultraviolet spectrum (between 30-50 SPF and covers UVA and UVB rays). Reapply every three hours if you are spending all day in the sun. Make sure to cover your hands, feet, shoulders, and neck as well.
Upgrade to these few skin care routines before you can step out to have your perfect summer day without worrying about your skin. Have a happy summer!