Mesmara Hulled White Sesame Seeds 400gms


Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹300.00.

Sesame seeds are possibly the oldest condiment to ever be cultivated by ancient man. It’s no surprise why, since each serving of tiny seeds is rich in minerals that are good for your body. Sesame seeds are a great source of calcium which can help prevent headaches and bone loss. Each seed is also rich in copper which has been shown to ease joint pain & inflammation.

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AMAZING MINERAL SUPPORT – Sesame seeds are possibly the oldest condiment to ever be cultivated by ancient man. It’s no surprise why, since each serving of tiny seeds is rich in minerals that are good for your body. Sesame seeds are a great source of calcium which can help prevent headaches and bone loss. Each seed is also rich in copper which has been shown to ease joint pain & inflammation.

NATURE’S SUPER SEED – Because we remove the shell and hull our fresh bulk sesame seeds before delivering them to you, your body can more readily digest and absorb all the nutrients that are jam packed into every natural seed. Each seed is high in healthy dietary fiber. That’s great because it helps regulate your digestive system and maintain a healthy stomach, intestines and colon.

THE BEST CULINARY AID – Whether you eat them whole, grind them into a powder, turn them into a paste or simply add them to your favorite dishes like sesame ladoo, sesame chikki, burger buns, breads, sushi and salads, you’ll love using Mesmara sesame seeds to cook. The seeds are gluten free and plant based, which means they’re perfect for vegetarian and vegan dishes like hummus and tahini. Plus, they’re always rich and delicious!

HIGH IN PLANT BASED PROTEIN – You can use each nutrient rich seed as a low-calorie superfood that helps you reach your daily protein requirements. They can be toasted, roasted or eaten raw and they’re still a great source of protein and essential amino acids. They can be easily used as toppings, ground into flour or sprinkled onto savoury dinners or turned into sweet desserts.

QUALITY – At Mesmara we are committed to the highest quality natural ingredient sourcing and production processes.

Mineral & Antioxidant Rich Superfood

Mother Nature’s created the perfect super seed. Sesame seeds have a rich nutty taste and are jam packed with the building blocks for healthy happy bodies. Sesame seeds have been used since ancient times as a delicious source of plant-based protein, healthy fats and fiber. In addition, each seed is bursting with the following:

  • B-Complex Vitamins Riboflavin, Niacin and Folate
  • Protein, healthy Fats and Fiber
  • Copper, Manganese and Magnesium
  • Iron, Zinc and Calcium
  • Phosphorous and Selenium
  • Antioxidants like sesamol and sesaminol

A Rich Source of Dietary Copper

Sesame seeds are the oldest known oilseed crop and have been used as a healthy food staple by humans going as far back as 3,500 years ago. Ancient man used them as a rich source of dietary copper and so can you! Copper has been shown to provide rheumatoid arthritis relief because it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. Copper is also essential for lysyl oxidase, an enzyme that helps with the cross linking of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin provide structure and support for our blood vessels, bones and joints. Because Mesmara sesame seeds are already hulled, your body can more easily digest the natural copper and other nutrients found within each seed.

The shelf life of our white sesame seeds is a full two years. Due to the high oil content, they keep best refrigerated or frozen after opening.

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 19 × 11 × 9 cm


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