Halloween is an out and out American festival. It is a day when they remember their dead. It’s a custom to walk around in costumes resembling ghosts. Kids dress up for Halloween and run to neighbours houses asking for Trick-or-Treat. Heavily made-up faces and sometimes body parts like hands and legs, painted to resemble the dead, are a mark of the festival. Ghostly dressed up homes, parties from dusk till dawn, parades of the participants are common sights on the day of Halloween. This American tradition has been flourishing in India from the past few years, as many NRIs are heading back home, carrying with them the influence of the Western country. So, Halloween parades, kids running around for candies, and painted faces have become a common sight in urban Indian apartments.
To get the look, people don’t shun from using heavy makeup and even acrylic paints. This takes a huge toll on the skin. And if you plan to party all night with the look, then beware you will look no less ghastly even after you have removed the make up. So, how to protect your skin while you still get to enjoy this festival in its right spirit (pun intended :)). Here are a few tips.
#1 – Prep Your Face and Body Parts: Before applying any makeup, it is very important to prime your face and the body parts where you are planning to apply makeup. Apply a generous coat of nourishing moisturizer first. On top of it, apply a primer. This will give your skin an extra layer of protection from the heavy makeup that is going to sit on it for hours.
Make sure you use clean brushes to avoid any kind of allergy.
#2 – Keep Yourself Hydrated: If you are planning to party until the wee hours of the morning, it is very important to keep yourself hydrated. Dehydrated skin soon causes the makeup to become flaky and cracked. Grab a glass of water in between your snacks and drinks.
#2 – Remove Makeup No Matter How Tired You Are: It would be an absolute offence to your skin if you rest without removing your makeup. The longer the makeup stays on your skin, the harsher the effects of it would be. Use an oil cleanser for the process. Coat the skin with the cleanser and leave it on for a few minutes. Remove it using a cotton pad soaked in water. You might need to repeat this step a few times before you get all the makeup off your skin.
#3 – Cleanse Using a Foam Cleanser: Once you are done with the oil cleanser, clean your face with a foam cleanser. This helps remove all the makeup residues, dirt and also the oil of your previous cleanser.
#4 – Apply Toner and Moisturizer: You may not have the energy for a long facial routine, but you can splash your face with toner and apply your favourite moisturizer. Finally, you are free to get some rest.
#5 – Treat Your Skin: While you were out trick-or-treating, your skin was taking all the flak. Now it is time to treat your skin. If you don’t have time and energy to treat your skin the same day, you can treat it to a gentle and nourishing mask the next day.
#6 – Air Your Skin: It is better not to apply a heavy makeup the very next day. Let your skin breathe. If needed just apply a bit of B&B cream.
All set to have fun? Remember these tips so that your skin doesn’t look spooky later. Happy Halloween!