Rose – The queen of flowers! Do you know that there are over 300 species of roses? What does the word ‘rose’ remind one of? The many colours and the light fragrance, rose water, Rooh Afza, perfumes, the many sweets garnished with rose petals and rose water!! Well, there is one other substance which has …
Botanical extracts of oil from various parts of the plant are called essential oils. They are generally extracted through methods like evaporation and distillation. These oils are different from the traditional cold pressed oils and are not usually edible. Essential oils come with a strong smell and can be used for aromatherapy as well. The chemicals …
Monsoon is finally here. As the rains bring some amount of relief for us, they also bring along with them their share of diseases and infections. Like it or not, bacteria and fungi love this season as much as we do! The gloomy and humid weather is the ideal condition for bacteria and fungi to …
Wouldn’t any girl dream of having hair like Rapunzel’s? Agreed that a person’s hair color, texture, and even hair health to some extent are linked to their genes. Being not so genetically endowed should not be a deterrent to taking proper care of one’s hair. Hair health depends not only on the genes but also …
Let’s admit it. All of us want to wake up to naturally glowing and beautiful skin. However, our fast-paced life exposes us to daily pollution, chemicals, and toxins that build upon the skin making it appear dull and lifeless. A skin detox helps you to get rid of all the skin toxins thus making your …
What with the incessant rains this rainy season, everything looks and feels so gloomy! A gray, rainy day leaves not only the weather but also the mood gloomy. Are you experiencing the monsoon blues? But should we drown ourselves in the gloom and not see the brighter side of the monsoons? Have we forgotten our …
August 15th, Independence Day, is the proudest day of our nation. Each one of us is going to wear their pride and step out celebrating this day with a lot of fanfare. Celebrations are going to be at work, at home and at every corner of the street. Everyone will come together and at this …
Rakhi for Raksha Bandhan is just around the corner and all the loving sisters must be all prepped up to treat their beloved brothers. The bond we share with our siblings is truly amazing. Every sister and brother waits eagerly throughout the year to celebrate this special day. Rakhi is indeed a special day when …
Dark skin is no longer a taboo and we encourage everyone to flaunt their natural tone fashionably. This is a great cultural change that is slowly making its way into our societies and we should encourage this as much as possible. Tanning, on the other hand, is becoming a bigger problem with each passing year. In …
No Indian festival is complete without traditional dishes. Most of us forget about health and diet during festivities and devour all the delicious food cooked at home by our moms and grand moms. However, all the overeating takes a toll on our health. Does that mean we give up eating all the good food and …
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