Someone once said, “Beauty is being comfortable and confident in your own skin.” This saying would become more literal if your skin gets all the nourishment that it deserves. That is to say, natural beauty is the best beauty if you take proper care of it. Same goes for your hair. Hair is the crown …
We all want soft, glowing and flawless skin. There are plenty of ready-made products available in the market that promise you spotless skin. However, you need to understand that all skin types are not the same and hence there is no guarantee that you will benefit from a face mask if your friend is benefitting …
Dying hair is nothing new and is one of the most common forms of hair care. However, with so many products available online, we often get confused about which would be the best for our hair. Different people have different hair quality and hence need different products for hair care. But nothing can beat the …
Cooking oil is an important ingredient in every dish that we prepare, especially in the Indian households. Whether you want to make a flavourful dish of sabzi, daal or meat, you need to have the right cooking oil in the correct proportions. Cooking oil is like that ‘hidden’ ingredient that goes in every dish but …
“It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.” – Maud Hart Lovelace. The American author Lovelace has described summer sunshine and the month of June in a beautiful way, but the beauty comes with a caveat. Summer also means bad hair, aka frizz, frizz, and …
Apple cider vinegar is perhaps the most-humble liquid commonly found in the pantry of almost every household. From preparing a quick acne cure face pack to enhancing the taste of your salad, we often reach out and resort to apple cider vinegar. However, this most common form of vinegar has some amazing health benefits many …
Though nutritionists around the world are recommending cold pressed oils, there are many myths which need to be cleared. Here are top 5 myths busted.
If you’re a fitness enthusiast, then you’re probably familiar with bulletproof coffee. If not, then you might be raising an eyebrow and wondering what is bulletproof coffee? We know you’re curious and you’ll be further surprised to know that it is a drink that helps in boosting your energy and burning the stubborn fat layers. …
Hibiscus is a delightful flower that comes in a variety of bright colors. Over 300 variants of hibiscus are widely available. This flower has such amazing properties, that it has found a place in our culture and tradition. People in the Indian subcontinent offer the bright red variant to Goddess Kali. The flower is symbolic …
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