What is Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a juice extracted from fermented apples. Acetic acid is produced in the fermentation process and the resulting liquid is called vinegar. A beneficial bacterial culture called ‘the mother’ is added during the fermentation process. ‘The mother’ contains enzymes, gut-friendly bacteria and proteins, which help in …
Sesame oil, also known as ‘til’ or ‘gingelly oil’, is derived from sesame seeds and is an edible vegetable oil. According to Charaka, the ancient Indian Ayurvedic scholar, sesame oil is the best oil and is used in several Ayurvedic preparations. Modern scientific research has confirmed that sesame oil has many benefits because of its …
Monsoon showers bring a lot of joy as they give us a break from the summer heat. All living beings, including humans, animals and plants feel relieved after bearing the torturous heat for two to three months. Taking all the energy from the sun during summer, the soil is ready to transfer the energy to …
It might be a fact that some people are benefited by their genes – they inherit good looks and look beautiful effortlessly. However, the onus to maintain the looks and health that nature has bestowed upon them lies with them. It is also true that even if you are not genetically bestowed with such qualities, …
Many people are confused between vegetarian and vegan diets and use the words interchangeably. However, these two diets are different in some aspects. Vegetarianism promotes plant-based food but does not restrict dairy products and in some cases eggs too, e.g. cakes and cheese would do just fine. The vegan school of thought extends vegetarianism to …
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